Kodak Zi8

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Thus far, I’ve done all of the video reviews on The Gear Journal using the famously fabulous Flip Mino HD camera. It’s a tiny little device that takes incredible HD footage. Hack yours with a wide angle lens and it is nothing short of amazing. All that said, Kodak just released yet another mini HD camera that touts some very impressive specs. How about flip-beating 1080p video, built in electronic image stabilization, 5 megapixels, and an external mic jack? Hard to beat… I see one in my future. So long as it is similar in size to the Mino HD, it will be great for EDC. Check it out.

The Smallest Revolver In The World

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This is ridiculous… The little gun is about 5.5 cm long and fires a 2.34mm caliber cartridge – specially made of course. It’s illegal for import into the states, but would run about $6000 if you could smuggle one in through Canada. I have no idea what in the hell you would use it for.

Check it out.

Spec-Ops T.H.E. Pack

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spec-ops t.h.e. pack

I’m a bag whore. I have bags for just about every occasion. Going on a two day trip through the air? Got it covered. Going on a four day trip on the ground? No sweat. Back and forth from work? I got a bag for that too…

Of course, the only problem with this is that I end up jockeying a lot of gear between the bags depending on what I have planned. Inevitably, I forget to move something or other to the “bag of the day” and find myself living without. For a gear guy, that sucks.

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The Split Ring Key

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This is pretty brilliant actually… Some smart fella took a split ring and added on a key blank. The result is something that could make a perfect foundation for a very minimal key ring set up. Just get your key cut, add on your Leatherman Micra or maybe just your car key and call it done. Bitchin.

Check it out.

Emerson Mini CQC-7

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emerson mini cqc-7

Emerson Knives was really one of the companies that started the tactical folder movement and the Emerson CQC (Close Quarter Combat)-7 was one of the first and most successful folders to be marketed as a defense/tactical weapon. As great as the CQC-7 is, I never carried one because I didn’t care for the size of the knife. To me, a folder will always be more of a tool and not so much of a weapon… But, the functionality and utter indestructibility of the Emerson always appealed to me.

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Stormproof Lighter

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Need a lighter for when the shit hits the fan? Apparently, you’re looking for the Delta Windmill lighter. It’s got some crazy “catalyzer” coil and “piezoelectric” ignition system that ensures this baby lights even when the wind gusts reach 80mph. No foolin… You can get yours for $55.

High-Speed, Low-Drag

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Triple Threat Tactical is ran by a guy named Jim Rosario… and that’s about all I know about the bag featured below. Jim posts occasionally on some of the more covert forums covering tactical gear and is known to be a pretty talented guy, but his site is under construction and the rest of the business is pretty much shrouded in mystery. Word on the street is that the “High-Speed, Low-Drag” bag will sell for around $499. Expensive? Yes. Cool? Yes.

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The Urban Wallet

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Bill is a craftsman. He creates a line of very high quality cases for both knives and watches. Each has received rave reviews all over the internet. More recently, however, Bill has been busy developing and producing something he likes to call “Bill’s Urban Wallet.”

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